BAB2025 in Thessaloniki

The 17th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Thessaloniki, from Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 May 2025.

The world system of exploitation seems willing to engage in an endless series of wars, seeking a new equilibrium through destruction and more capitalist profiteering. In the meanwhile, there are obvious signs of a real crisis, the environmental crisis, which overshadows all other successive ‘crises’ of recent years.

Self-organization is no longer a slogan. It is a social necessity. The months leading up to the Thessaloniki Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, are an open bet, a process of fermentation for our common ideas and the joint creation of a meeting place for the organization of solidarity, resistance and struggle. A place where disagreement will be met with comradely attention, respect and mutual understanding, where we will share and recompose, where the richness, beauty and vitality of anarchist ideas and practices will dissolve indignity, intolerance and inhumanity: A thousand black roses against resignation and social cannibalism.

An old motto goes: “Let us fight for the impossible before we are faced with the unthinkable”. Well, the unthinkable is already here, utopia no longer seems impossible. It is the only realistic option.

In September 2024, in a joint assembly held in Thessaloniki with all the collectives of the city that responded to the invitation to participate in the organizational assembly, we set BAB2025 goal of bringing together the largest possible number of comrades from all over the Balkans in order to discuss, in an organized way, our agreements and disagreements and to make concrete proposals for common struggles and actions.